Thursday, November 02, 2006

Day Nine - The Morning After

An interesting part of recovery is the increased awareness. When I'm not masking my emotions or blindly reacting there are suddenly little nuances in life that become apparent. Halloween wasn't a disaster by any stretch in terms of my eating, but it wasn't as disciplined as I'd hoped. It was great to be past that day and to gain some learning for the holidays that are fast approaching. One thing that surprised me is the residual effect it had the day after. I struggled more yesterday with urges to eat inappropriately than I have since starting this discipline. The good news is that I was aware of it and chose healthy alternatives. It won't be a surprise if there are still some lingering effects today. Knowing that it's a possibility makes it better going in. That's one of the great things about recovery. I'm expanding my knowledge and experience of it every day and learning how to apply it to the next day. It's true what they say, if you fail to learn from your mistakes, you're doomed to repeat them. Here's how November started...

32 oz. water
1 slice buttered whole wheat toast
12 oz. raw milk

1 small pear
64 oz. water

1 can Campbell's clam chowder with goldfish crackers
4 oz. peach cider

1 medium apple
32 oz. water
1/2 cup chicken fried rice (leftovers)

4 slices Tombstone frozen pizza
1 cup homemade granola
1 tsp. Nutella spread
12 oz. raw milk

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