Seems that the current character defect getting non-stop attention in my life is selfishness. I guess that's because I'm currently working through something that is dragging the depth and width of my selfishness out into the light. It's a big ugly monster that, frankly, I wish I didn't have to look at...or deal with.
But if we're honest in our recovery, then we don't get to be in charge of what character defects we deal with or when we deal with them. Moving through recovery as a way of life means that we will have to examine our character defects and deal with them. And it's not fun. It's hard work that requires a team of people gathered around. Mostly so you don't turn tail and run. Addiction has taught us that there is no character defect, large or small, that can't be ignored. Recovery teaches us that we dare not ignore any character defect.
If you truly desire recovery and the better life that comes with it, then prepare yourself to deal with all your character defects. Whether one at a time or in bunches you will have to expose them to the light of truth. Truth, honesty, discipline and accountability are the tools of recovery. Use all of them to dig out the deep, wide, malignant roots of addiction that are suffocating your soul.
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